
Interim Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Clayton and Mrs Sarah Baker
Senior Leadership Team SLT: Mrs Anita Santinelli-Clarke
Front Office: Ms. Lucy Jackson & Mrs Amy Martin
Paper copies of our school prospectus and any of the policies on this website are available free of charge.

Please request this via the school office. In addition all items are available in larger print, or can be discussed with your child's teacher.
Safeguarding Queries/Concerns
If you suspect that a young person is at risk of harm, in the first instance, alert either Customer First or the relevant emergency services. For non-urgent police advice contact 101.
Customer First: 0808 800 4005 (free from landlines and most mobiles)
Emergency Services: 999
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub: 0345 606 1499

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Cavendish Church of England Primary School,
The Green, Cavendish,
Sudbury, Suffolk,
CO10 8BA