
A message from our Chair and Vice Chair of Governors - Simon Hurst & Sally Connelly
Simon - Hello, I would like to introduce Sally Connelly and myself. My name is Simon Hurst and I am the new Chair of Governors for Cavendish School. I am looking forward to working with the school, staff and pupils. I have been a governor at Copdock and Bently schools for the last 15 years and Chair or Vice Chair for the last 9 years. I have also sat on several governing boards at other schools across Suffolk, I am also a mentor for new Chairs of Governors along with Sally. I bring a wealth of experience to the governing board in finance, Health and Safety etc My working life was with Suffolk Fire and Rescue service for 36 years, working across a number of posts including training and operational response. Since my retirement I have been able to dedicate more time to schools across Suffolk allowing me to develop my own understanding of Small schools, larger primary schools and Pupil referral units. I look forward to hopefully meeting some of you in the future. If needs be I can be contacted through the school office. 
Sally - I am really pleased to be joining Cavendish Primary school as Vice Chair of Governors. If you see me around the school then please feel free to say hello. I began my journey as a School Governor at Boxford Primary and was proud to be Chair of Governors for many years. Since Boxford I have been on the Governing Boards of many schools across Suffolk, I have mentored Chairs of Governors and supported the development of boards skills through bespoke training. This has included working with many different sizes of schools from two form entry to smaller schools very much like Cavendish. My background is in the public and voluntary sectors and includes time in senior press and communications roles, development of large health, education and environment grant programmes and working to improve voluntary sector governance. I hope that my skills will be put to good use at Cavendish and I am excited to become part of your school community which has already been very welcoming. As you are aware we have had OFSTED in this week for a two day inspection. Due to OFSTED criteria, we are unable to share the report until its published on the OFSTED web site. Once we have received the report we will be sharing the findings with the public.
Welcome to Our Governing Body
Meet our team below...
Simon Hurst - Chair of Governors
Sally Connelly - Vice Chair of Governors
Rachel Maddocks - Staff Governor
Jessica Surma - Parent Governor 
Jane Tibbetts - Parent Governor