
The Cavendish PTFA is run by a team of parents and organises fundraising events throughout the year. Monies raised through PTFA activities go towards school resources and extra-curricular activities year-round which the pupils get huge enjoyment and enrichment from!

The school benefits hugely from your support and every parent or family member of a child in the school is automatically a PTFA  member.
Join Us!
We would love for you to join us. It doesn't have to be a full time role, or full time commitment, although we are always looking for new members, we also need extra hands to help out at fundraising events and/or an hour of your time one evening a month or every other month for meetings! That extra pair of hands can make all the difference, even if only for an hour.
Everyone Welcome, we can't wait to meet you!
Contact us: cavendishceprimaryptfa@gmail.com
Say Hello to our current team:
Rachel Maddocks - Chair
Alice Iveson - Vice Chair
Helen Deering - Treasurer
Gemma Hubbard - Secretary