PSHE - Personal, Social and Health Education

Here at Cavendish Church of England Primary School we are using the Cambridgeshire Personal Development Programme. It covers EYFS (Early Years and Foundation Stage) up to Year Six.
In the pages that follow you will find information about the programme that we follow and the order of the Units of Work that we use. Please note that for this academic year we are focusing on two units to introduce the work to the children. The first is Anti Bullying and the second will look at RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) We understand how sensitive this subject can be which is why you will find details on the materials that we are using as well as some of the resources. We will also be holding a parents discussion forum where you can come in and ask for further details.
Here at Cavendish we pride ourselves on being open and transparent with information in all areas.
Please find below the long term plan for our whole school approach to the teaching of PSHE. This will be relevant from the autumn term of 2024.
We will be following the long term entitled Two Year Rolling Programme.
TG Long Term Planning 2020 (1).pdf
Please see below for the Unit of Work on Relationships and Sex Education that will be taught this year.
Please note that is not our intention to teach the whole Unit but to focus on body changes and feelings during puberty that are age appropriate to the children.
HSL RS5 2020 (1).pdf