Robins Class Year 1 & 2

Welcome to Robins Class. Our class teachers are Mrs. Santinelli-Clarke supported by Mrs. Rachel Maddocks, Alice Tomlin and Jacqui Bianchi.
Key stage 1 begins the children's journey into learning, so it's a very important two years!  We do lots of hands on, active leaning through our inspiring, progressive and creative curriculum. This is carefully designed and builds on the skills learnt in reception. We also work hard to engage with all subjects and prepare for the year 1 phonics screening test and the year 2 SATs.
Our topic for this Summer term will be 'Childhood in the 1960's'.
  • We will find out about toys, school life, music, TV and fashion from the 10960's, and learn about significant events.
  • We will design, build and evaluate our own 'wind-up' toys.
  • We will explore current computer games and compare these to ICT in the 1960's.
  • We will have a 'groovy' 1960's dress up day.
  • We will explore some famous children's stories that were written in the 1960's.
For more information on this terms learning please take a look at our long term plans below. 
Handy to Know:
Homework - Homework will be set on Google Classroom each week, sent home on a Monday for return the following Monday.
Reading Books - changed Mondays and match our Floppy Phonics scheme, linking directly to our phonic lessons.
PE - Monday and Tuesday  (please come to school in full PE kit; red t-shirt/black shorts and or joggers, especially when the weather turns, and any jewellery must be removed)
Music - Wednesday, children will need their own Ocarina, these can be purchased from school.
Google Classroom & RM Easy Maths - Children will be given their own access codes (these will be sent home)
Forest School - Tuesday Pm Year 1 Autumn 1 half term with Year 2 Summer 2 half term. Children should wear old clothes to school on these days, long sleeves and long trousers and wellington boots. All waterproof clothing (including coats) will be provided on wet/cold days.
We look forward to lots of learning and fun this year and we thank you in advance for your support. Please do not hesitate to talk to us at the end of the day if you have any questions or concerns or alternatively you can email the school office and we will endeavour to reply as soon as possible.
What we have learnt this week!
"We have been learning about 'nonsense' poems by Edward Lear. I have enjoyed reading all about 'Pobble'." Erin