Saturn Class Year 3 & 4

Welcome to Saturn Class. Mrs Lizzy Clarke is our class teacher supported by Mrs Roe Byford LSA. 
In Saturn class we explore exciting topics each term such as: The Egyptians, Stone Age Man, Eco Planet, Romans, Greeks and Anglo Saxons. Using a cross curricular approach to our learning helps us to become fully immersed with our topics. We have access to our own outdoor area which becomes an extension of our classroom.
Our topic this term, Summer 2024, is Rainforests.
  • We will be exploring 'Botanical' art and the work of Margaret Mee, who payed special attention to the impact of de-forestation.
  • We will be constructing creatures that we might observe moving through the Rainforest.
  • We will be preparing and sampling a variety of tropical fruit.
  • We will investigate tribal cultures that have historically depended on the Rainforest for survival.
  • We will have a Mini-Beast workshop, to explore and identify insect life in the Rainforest. 
Please take a look at our 'Rainforest' document, below, for more information on this terms learning and of course our Long Term Plans to see what's coming up next.
Handy to Know:
Planner & Reading Book - to be in school every day.
Homework menus - to be sent home, what challenge will you pick? Set Tuesday, to be returned the following Monday
Spellings - tested on a Friday morning
Reading - Extremely important in Saturn Class so try to lose yourself in a book every day. Remember to jot down the pages in your planner, these will be checked every morning!
PE - Mondays & Thursdays Children to come to school dressed in their kit. (red t-shirt/black shorts and/or plain black joggers (especially when the weather turns cold) any jewellery must be removed.

I look forward to working with all of you this year, please feel free to come and chat to me at the end of the day or alternatively leave a note in your child's planner. Thank you for your support in advance.


What we have learnt this week! 
"This week Saturn class have been visited by some Breaktime Buddies. They have been searching for children to spend their morning with. They have been looking for excellent learning behaviours and those who are showing great focus in their work. So far Phoebe, Izzy, Molly, Ethan, Annabelle and Daisy have all enjoyed spending time with our newest classroom friends."